Organizing is patient care.
On Call For Democracy is a grassroots, informal group of progressive health professionals using our voice to mobilize voters to win 2018 elections for
pro-health candidates.
We’re organizing hundreds of health professionals to have thousands of conversations by phone banking and canvassing with established campaigns before November 6th.


The health of our patients & communities is under attack. We have to go beyond outrage, numbness, and protest. We need to win elections.
To do that, we need to get out the vote!
Health matters to voters.
Patients (voters) trust us.
Campaigns need our help.
Why Us?
Why focus on canvassing and phone-banking?
We have to go beyond reacting and resisting, we need to win elections
Elections are won by voter mobilization efforts like canvassing and phone-banking
Why health professionals?
Health issues are top priorities for voters
There are 5+ million health professionals in the US, many want to make a difference for the 2018 elections
Who do you mean by ‘health professionals’?
Health professionals are individuals entering or practicing in a profession that focuses on the health and well-being of patients or communities. These include:
Clinicians such as nurses, doctors, social workers, physical/occupational/speech therapists, psychologists, dentists, and more …
Biomedical researchers, public health practitioners
Any level including students and retirees
Why not just volunteer with candidates’ campaigns or groups like Swing Left?
They can, but a typical volunteer voter mobilization does not make use of their unique knowledge-base or professional credentials. Scripts and talking points are generic.
We might make more of an impact if we speak as health professionals and on health issues, drawing on our extensive collective experience and front-line knowledge of the issues.
Is this possible?
Campaigns love this idea and are signing up to help with dialer setup, script drafting, and canvas organizing.
How much time will it take?
As much as you have to offer. A few hours of canvassing on a free Saturday, or a daily commitment to organizing. Sign up on our form to get plugged-in.